Thursday, February 7, 2013

From the article "How to Ruin a great Design," I have can understand the the meaning of the article, but I also feel that it might be overeating. One of the things stated in the article is that companies are trying to improve old designs like changing the original design a log or sign into something better, but still effective. To be more specific, one of the thing it complained about was a traffic sign that had the "D" in "diverted" way bigger than the rest of the word, and that people would only notice the D when bypassing it. In truth, the first thing I notice about the article was the picture, and I easily read it without noticing the over size D until I read the article pointing it out. At the same time though, I feel for the old style being replace because that how we remember them. For example,  if Burger King changed it sign, people are notice, but we must remember that Burger King's logo is famous because they are good, not the other way around. In the end, the people would just get use to the new logo, and slowly forget the old, and to only be remembered in the future when someone happens to come across a piece of paper that still has the old logo on it and say " Oo yea, Burger king's logo use to be a burger" or " What is this?". The thing to remember is to know the different between " It ruined the design" and " I just don't like change".


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