Thursday, February 14, 2013

nonfunctional product: indigestible food: My product is is food that can not be digested so u will always stay full. The food will remain in perfect condition to where years later, mostly likely after the consumer's death, it will look as good as it first did when made fresh. Due to the nutrients eventually running out, the food will then turn into as much of a hazard as a rock.

Functional Product: waterproof and water powered computers: This product is a computer that only works in water, but is powered by the water itself. The best way to view the power supply of this type of computer is the same way u look at how a fish breath in what it need from the water. This computer will greatly improve divers' experience out in the ocean to keep track of what ever they are doing with ease Either it being work related or just browsing the internet for fun like, this computer will ease the lives of of all divers.

indigestible food ® MARTINORTIZPOP@GMAIL.COM
waterproof and water powered computers ® MARTINORTIZPOP@GMAIL.COM

Friday, February 8, 2013

 Turned Nathan into a purple hair.....something. This is what you get when I test stuff out :P
If this was spelled neater, I would have consider making this my personal logo for my online stuff.

Thursday, February 7, 2013