Friday, January 25, 2013

1.  I have basic understanding of programing, and can edit simple code in programs and read it.

2. Game design and development.

3. Art design and greater understanding of how to use Photoshop

4.  Phillips Lacanlale.His animation skill are crazy.

5.  I am a  gamer, but i also am highly fascinated by games as a whole. I see game one as one of the greatest form of art because game are a generated words based on the mind of a individual or group imagination. I always , starting when i was small, playing out scenarios and imagining what life would be if things were like this or that. That is particular why i like mmorpg games because they give us a full depth glimpse into another person's world. This also give us, the players, a chance to be something u can't be in real life and act in a way you normally couldn't, and get away with it
I love this game!